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Wednesday July 12th – Ready to step out of the Rat Race and create REAL FINANCIAL FREEDOM?

“Learn how owning Multifamily properties offers the potential to compound your income and long-term success over other investments”

Second Wednesday, July 12, 2017

How important is your Financial Security?
Learn some of the key steps to owning multifamily units –

– How to evaluate a multifamily investment.

– How to determine if it’s a good investment with “upside”.

– Being aware of all the expenses, obstacles and challenges associated with owning multifamily units.

– Why excellent property management is the Key to a successful investment.

– What opportunities are out there to acquire Multifamily in a high priced real estate market?

– How to get over your fears of owning more units or larger properties.

Presented by Adrian Del Rio, Principal PCG Commercial & Chris Airola, CEO CGA Property Management

Register TODAY click on “Register Now”

June 14th Aaron Norris “Major Trends for Marketing Dominance in 2017” Over 200 attended our March meeting with Bruce Norris.

Aaron Norris
“Major Trends for Marketing Dominance in 2017”

Wednesday June 14, 2017

Over 200 attended our March meeting with Bruce Norris.

Aaron will teach us how technology has completely changed the approach small businesses use to reach their target audience. Or has it? Small businesses continually get lost in the technology and trends. They spend thousands on the latest fads instead of what really matters most. 2017 is the year of K.I.S.S. Join marketing expert Aaron Norris as he shares his two biggest ways he’s focusing to dominate in 2017 and beyond. Aaron will discuss:

• The 5-Step marketing approach for best results and keeping you sane
• Key technology trends affecting your marketing efforts in 2017
• Comprehending Web 4.0 and the likely changes artificial intelligence will create

About the speaker: Aaron is Vice President of The Norris Group which specializes in California hard money lending, trust deed investments, real estate investments, and real estate investor resources. Aaron’s responsibilities include investor relations, business development, radio production, community outreach, marketing, PR, and major events. Aaron hosts the weekly award-winning Real Estate Headline Roundup Blog as well as produces The Norris Group’s award-winning radio show and podcast. He’s the creator and producer of The Norris Group’s series.

May 10th Portland Real Estate Investor & Brand Consultant Jeff Stephens “Create a powerful advantage in getting deals”

May 10th Portland Real Estate Investor & Brand Consultant Jeff Stephens
“Create a powerful advantage in getting deals”

Jeff shares his professional experience and teaches YOU how to stand out in today’s crowded Real Estate market.

Imagine handing your business card to someone and seeing them smile and asking you a question.
• Your website getting more traction and responses.
• Mail marketing achieving increased response.
• Because your brand declares your unique purpose.
• Yes you are now engaged in a conversation with a seller.
• In person, on line or negotiating on the phone.
Jeff Stephens, a full-time real estate investor and longtime brand consultant, will deliver his presentation, “Honing Your Secret Weapon: Harnessing the Power of Your Brand to Create a Competitive Advantage in Real Estate.” Jeff will explain what branding really is, and how it differs from marketing. He will tell why branding is such an important but underutilized tool among real estate investors, and will share his noted 3-step process for developing a powerful and differentiating brand.