We all face some extremely difficult challenges finding – creating deals in today’s Real Estate Market. Learn to hone your most important skill for success. TARGETED MARKETING! Market like the big players.
Learn the DIRECT MARKETING tools that the big guy’s implement. Blackstone, Target, Home Depot and R.C. Willey’s know what message will get results.
Learn to craft your message and create deals on June 13th & July 11th
Real estate investing is not all about numbers. Investors who deliver the right message to the right market will win more deals.
Learn to “Get Your Message Right and get MORE Deals” on June 13th
Aaron Norris “Major Trends for Marketing Dominance” on July 11th
David La Plante / PropertyRadar on the Second Wednesday June 13th Learn to Get Your Message Right or Get Fewer Deals
Let’s face it, being an investor today is more challenging than it’s ever been. But despite a tight market and more competition, most investors are wasting a lot of marketing dollars sending the wrong messages and wondering why they are not seeing results.
Join PropertyRadar CMO David LaPlante as he shares insights, stories, and strategies cultivated from managing over $100 million in client marketing spend to grow businesses with data-smart targeting and irrational marketing appeal.
In this presentation, David will cover:
- Simple brain science behind marketing and messaging.
- Basic behavior science for knowing how and when to craft a message.
- The top 10 mistakes most investors are making in their marketing.
- Understanding the power of story and why it is critical getting results.
- Why less is more. Less money spent. More results.
- How the process of determined target marketing is crucial to getting response and driving deals.
With over ten years observing the actions and behaviors of tens of thousands of real estate investors, Realtors®, and small, local businesses, David’s uncovered the habits, strategies, and techniques of those winning deals and growing their business in competitive local markets.