Bruce Norris is a long time investor, builder, hard money lender and shares his all new presentation for 2022 titled “Creating Generational Wealth in one real estate cycle or Economic Event” at the March 9th @ 5 pm, NorCalREIA meeting a zoom event.
In his new talk he will discuss:
Real estate cycles:
- Getting in intelligently when everyone is afraid
- Getting out unemotionally when everyone is euphoric
- It does not have to be in your backyard for you to benefit
- The inventory and owners to concentrate on at the bottom
- Exiting successfully before the cycle is over
Business Shutdowns and Relocations:
- The 80% decline of real estate in Grand Junction Colorado
- The price and migration boom in Texas and Florida
Single Events:
- Hurricane Andrew and the fortunes it created and why
Business Changes:
- Marijuana business and industrial land prices
Bruce has conducted dozens of interviews on podcasts “The Norris Group Real Estate Radio Show” with government officials, economists, fund managers, CEOs, and prominent local market investors. Covering everything and anything from real estate to economics to local politics. Question is now what?
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Meetings are FREE for annual members and $25 for nonmembers.
Annual membership is $200. Recordings, (previous speakers also) mentorship and many other tools are available to annual members. Reach out to [email protected]