Harvard Business Study found that the 3% of graduates from their MBA program who had written goals earned TEN times as much as the other 97% of graduates. January 11th, Anita Hodges presents “Business Planning Done Right”

Harvard Business Study found that the 3% of graduates from their MBA program who had written goals earned TEN times as much as the other 97% of graduates.

This financial crisis, recession, “reset” call it what you want it is the greatest opportunity in the last decade, possibly my lifetime. That said, seller financing, subject to and creating deals in this changing market is what will create generational wealth.

How are you going to “get there”?

Join Anita Hodges on January 11th and learn “Business Planning Done Right”

 We all need a plan if we are going to build wealth and create quality housing as landlords. Join Business Coach Anita Hodges to create your unique business plan for 2023.  Anita will bring a fresh and holistic perspective that encompasses the truly full life you want to lead. One of affiliates increased her business by 300% working with Anita!

Anita Hodges on Wednesday January 11th, 2023 @ 5 PM a ZOOM event.

Anita will cover, what investors want the most. Creating a plan to buy more properties!

Anita will begin the class leading you in a massive mind-dump of all things that matter but are at present only floating around in the brain. From there she will share tools to create a succinct plan that encompasses the year, the month, and the day. Anita will teach you how to stay focused on your goals while also teaching you how to leave room for both the unexpected challenges and opportunities that will definitely present themselves in 2023.

Zoom meetings are FREE to annual members and $30 per meeting for non-members. Nonmembers register for January 11th @ https://norcalreia.com click on “Register Now”

Friday January 13th @ 7:00 AM “LIVE” We kick off 2023

Join us “LIVE” in Sacramento engaging with other investors who have prospered greatly from Anita’s coaching and leadership. We will also deliver “mind mapping” tools at this event. Mind mapping is vision boards on steroids.

Friday January 13th is FREE for annual members networking event.         Networking 7:00 -7:30 am Meeting 7:30- 9:00 am

Annual membership (includes both meetings) is $250 ($300 January 1, 2023) request a membership at david@NorCalREIA@com


Annual members will receive zoom registration link and LIVE meeting location