How to Make a Million Dollars Maximizing the Next 24 Months by Bruce Norris
NorCalREIA members receive $100 discount
Date: April 06, 2013, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Summary: Bruce Norris teaches this full-day, step-by-step seminar on the special skills and strategies you need, not just to succeed, but to supersede all boundaries of normal “success” in California Quadrant 4!
The market has drastically shifted…has your real estate buying business?
Are you experiencing difficulty finding deals compared to 2012? If so, you’re not alone. California has leaped from a flat market to a scorching hot market, and the way investors are finding deals has drastically changed. More importantly, it takes an entirely new set of skills and strategies to make success happen in this new market
But don’t worry! Let Bruce Norris – the undisputed expert on California real estate — teach you step-by-step the special skills and strategies you need, not just to succeed, but to supersede all boundaries of normal “success.”
Join Bruce and other investors at his upcoming seminar, “How to Make a Million Dollars Maximizing the Next 24 Months” on April 6th in Sacramento with NORCALREIA. This is the first how-to strategy session Bruce has taught to the general public in almost two years – and we don’t know when, or if, it will be repeated. Here’s what’s at stake, in Bruce’s own words:
“The most difficult thing for investors to grasp is that Quadrant 4 buying and selling takes a completely new set of skills and strategies. Not understanding the changes will have investors running in circles until they’ve missed their window of opportunity. And this cycle can be the most explosive for wealth growth and the shortest in length. I fully expect to see many of our network become millionaires in the next 24 months by taking advantage of this market.” – Bruce Norris
Opportunity is here! Can you hear it knocking? Despite what some might tell you, investors that have shifted gears know exactly what they have to do to succeed today and they are buying up a storm. Don’t miss out! You can do it too. It’s not “magic.” It’s not “luck.” It’s not even “who you know.” Success in this market comes from applying a set of predetermined skills and strategies – or in plain language, “know-how.” And it’s downrightformulaic. Once you have the formulas, you’ll know how to use them again and again in a market like this one.
At this exclusive one-day event, discover everything you need to know to make millions in the current California real estate market, including how to:
- Avoid pitfalls of selecting the wrong entity
- Understand valuation in an increasing market
- Market to sellers directly
- Get ideas and strategies for negotiating directly with sellers
- The secrets of “subject to” buying
- Buy from sellers missing in action
- Add square footage
- Hold vs. Sell and which one is right for you
- Make use of Quadrant 3 strategies that still work (time is running out)
- Know when it’s time to get off the bus
- And much more…
Act now to claim your spot at this ambitious, one-day, intensive (jam-packed) seminar featuring:
- New, never-before-seen content by Bruce Norris
- Bruce’s award-winning favorite Quadrant 4 material pulled from over 1,500 pages in the California “Only” Investors Series
- Proven strategies from Bruce’s best-selling “Multi-Millionaire Maker”
Ready to be a millionaire? Attend this seminar! Get crucial concepts, new buying strategies to explore, and even more ways to take your business to the next level in the next 24 months!
The Norris Group is so excited this market has arrived that we’ve completely restructured our hard money lending programs to help investors buy and flip, buy and hold, and even build as many new homes as possible within the next 24 months.
Don’t sit on the sidelines and let this opportunity for true wealth-building pass you by! All it takes is the right “know-how” to take advantage of this hot market. With decades of experience and proven investment savvy to his credit, Bruce Norris can give you the step-by-step strategies to exponentially explode your wealth in the current California real estate market.
Sign up for this exclusive, one-day-only seminar today. Registration includes full-color manual and TNG web portal access for additional downloads including forms, scripts, and links.
Register Today!
$397 per person until April 1st
NorCalREIA members $297 per person until April 1st. Insert norcal into coupon code.