Join us March 11 at NORCAL REIA as Bruce shares his newest talk “How to create a $100,000 Payday Per Deal in 2015.” Here you will learn from Bruce some important tips on succeeding in 2015. In the market and economy today, the market is unpredictable with tight inventory and stiff competition. Yet despite this several investors have successfully made up to $100,000 per deal, and you can too. At this event, Bruce will discuss:
- His favorite charts and what he is watching/researching
- Where deals are coming in today’s market
- Creative ways to bypass the competition
- Ways to create larger profits on a single deal
Information on Bruce Norris
Full Bio:
Short Bio:
Bruce Norris is an active investor, hard money lender, and real estate educator with over 30 years of experience. Bruce has been involved in over 2,000 real estate transactions as a buyer, seller, builder, and money partner. Bruce is best known for his long-term market timing trends including his “California Comeback” report in 1997 predicting California’s real estate boom and his January 2006 release, “The California Crash,” predicting the foreclosure meltdown. His reports have made and saved California investors millions over the past decade. Bruce speaks and debates nationally as well as hosts an award-winning real estate radio show where he interviews world-renowned economists, government leaders, association presidents, and local experts. Bruce also hosts the series, I Survived Real Estate, which has raised over $520,000 for charity since the event launched in 2008.