Three NorCalREIA members share their secrets to success – November 12th


Join us on Wednesday November 12th @ 7 pm three NorCalREIA members share their secrets to success…


Learn how to start or enhance your Real Estate business.


Robert Taylor: Developing systems and habits for increased profitability.
Laurel Sagen: Running your business profitably, like a business.
Gordie McCarty: Ready Fire & Aim




These Real Estate investors share in a “Ted Talk” format how and why they do what they do day in and day out.


Success is not by luck, but by hard work, working smart and building systems to create a successful business.


Join us, as these three investors teach what over 20 years of experience has taught them, through first-hand experience.

This important presentation will make the difference in your financial outlook in 2014.

Crowne Plaza 5321 Date Ave Sacramento   Off highway 80 and Madison Ave


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