February 13, 2013 – Sean O Toole

Next meeting

February 13, 2013

Second Wednesday

Founder / CEO ForeclosureRadar.com

Sean O’Toole

Sean O Toole

  Shares his predictions for 2013

Visit www.Foreclosureradar.com

Sean O’Toole will provide a retrospective look at the foreclosure market in California and his predictions for the entire property market in 2013 including a look at where home prices are heading and a deeper look at the potential cost of the market recovery.  In addition, Sean will be sharing a sneak peak of new tools that will open up additional opportunity in the California property marketplace.

Prior to launching ForeclosureRadar, Sean successfully purchased and flipped more than 150 residential and commercial foreclosures. Leveraging 15 years in the software industry, Sean used technology as a key competitive advantage to build his successful real estate investment track record. Sean has always thrived in startup environments, and as such, became a key contributor at Xing Technology (acquired by Real Networks), ISI/GlobalCenter (acquired by Global Crossing), and Icarian, Inc.(acquired by Workstream, Inc.).

With his extensive experience in computers, software development, and business processes, Sean moved easily into VP and Director level positions in engineering, product management, sales, marketing and operations. Sean also served as President of the OpenMPEG Consortium, which brought together 32 companies to define industry standards for video on personal computers. www.foreclosureradar.com